Friday, June 24, 2011

Welcome to everyone who's not a bad business or scammer

     Welcome everyone to my first foray if you will into the blogosphere.  As this is the first of what could be several blogs by me, I'm not counting on it to be anything amazing.  I know I'm not going to get a lot of readers overnight.  No doubt it will be a trial and error process with a lot of things involved.  Things like making my blog look prettier and increasing traffic to my site.  At the same time, it's not anything where my goal is to have the best blog or be the best blogger on the internet.  It will perhaps at times be a few rants by me that may or may not make a whole lot of sense or be that relevant.  It will hopefully at times be a community of sorts where we can support one another and give a heads up to both innocent job seekers and innocent consumers.  Above all, if it helps anyone or informs them at all or even provides some laughs and a sense of community to some, then I suppose I will have accomplished something.

    I will try to be as brief as possible, but you'll have to excuse me as I do ramble sometimes.  If I do and I lose you at some point, feel free to cyber slap me in the face or leave the blog.  I promise I won't be offended.

    I do want to lay down though a few things here though.  Those things are.
    1.  The idea and motivation behind the blog title and subject.
    2.   What is and what is not the purpose here.... i.e. what I want to be discussed and what I would rather
           not have discussed.
    3.    A little bit about me, of course.

     So, as I am prone to do, I'm going to discuss those things in no apparent order and be massively confusing and leave all of you to wonder where you're at and what the hell is going on.

     Okay, hopefully that won't be the case.  But I always leave open that possibility.

     First of all, about me.  My name is Jason and I live in Ohio.  I started this blog for a couple of reasons.  Number one, I simply wanted to get into blogging in one form or another.  Number two is a little more involved and even a little more personal.  I'm not going to name names, business or individuals, just yet because this may be something in which if I have a case and commit to pursuing it, it may go to court.  So I don't want to do too much that may weaken my case by trashing a company by name and individuals by name all over the place online.  However, this is America.  So, last I checked we still had freedom of speech.  With that said, if I have no case, I personally reserve the right to trash away.  At least I reserve that right as long as I'm telling the truth from my side, and that's all I ever plan on doing either way regardless of whether it's to an attorney, in a court room, or on this blog and elsewhere online.

     For now all that needs to be said is that I spent nearly 12 years of my life working for a rather large company here in Ohio.  When they brought in a lousy manager who not only couldn't do his job but more importantly treated people horribly, I brought that to upper management's attention.  When the way they tried to "fix" the problem didn't work, perhaps partly due to me but mostly due to the nature of this manager, they suspended both of us and investigated.  After investigating, they basically found a reason to get rid of me that, and I'm pretty sure I can quote unemployment on this, a reasonable person would not find to be just.

     So, I had that happen in February.  Since then, I'm not going to lie.  It's been mostly a struggle.  This is the toughest economy and job market that I've ever lived through.  Even to get a job at some place like Wal-Mart is a lot different.  The advancement of technology and the lousy economy have slowed down and muddied up the process.  Back in the mid to late 90's when I worked at Wal-Mart of a couple of years, it was basically, come in, fill out an application, more or less get hired, probably after an interview, and start working.  Now, it's sit down at a kiosk hiring center in the store or fill out something online from home.  Do that, basically talk to no one, and wait to see if they have an opening and if they want to call you.  From there, it's go in, interview, have them tell you that if the computer passes you on to the next phase you might get a call.  I know because I did that back in March or April.  It's a waiting game, and in this economy especially it's tough for anyone to play the waiting game.

       Let me say what this is not.  This is not meant to be a blog or forum that bashes business.  Business, whether it's big business, small business, medium size business, business is of course what makes the economy hum.  I have my political views and you have yours.  We may agree or we may disagree, but it's not really what this is about.  As a matter of fact, if I ever happen to get a representative or employee of a business that is mentioned on here, you will be allowed to defend yourself or state your case.  I also would like to reward businesses who do things right by giving them credit on here. I just know though that there are a lot of frustrated job seekers out there who have been in the same boat as me.  I know it because I know I'm not alone in what I've experienced.  I also know it because when I made a post on Craigslist called The Craigslist Bad Business Bureau, I received several e-mails supporting me.  Ultimately, that post was flagged and removed.  So, until this is taken away, I will take my fight here.

      What I want this to be is a place for myself and others to not bash businesses per say.  But, as consumers or as job seekers we are all in the same boat.  So, we are in this fight together.  For my part I'm going to try to stay away from isolated personal rants and incidents where a business did me wrong.  Those things happen, and we don't need to waste people's time with them.  I'm looking for a pattern of bad behavior or missteps.  Or, one really big one that is so egregious that it almost defies belief.  Because, while we're all human, we all make mistakes, and businesses have their rights too, I believe in one thing.  I believe you treat people with respect and that you get back what you give out.  In other words, you reap what you sow.  If you reap good things, you're rewarded.  If you reap bad things, then you're going to at some point have it all dumped back on you.

    For those businesses that severely misstep, you can always get back in our good graces.  But until then, it's "Bad Business, No Dollars For You."  It's a combination of a couple of semi famous pop culture phrases of "Bad Cop No Donut" and the Soup Nazi's "No Soup For You!"  So these bad businesses do not deserve our dollars or our time until they clean up their act.  This will go for individual scammers too.  You're harder to catch but your schemes are not, and they will be brought up and put in the same category.


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